Monday, October 26, 2009

Let's pray for each other - week 3

Wake up everybody, it's Monday!

Let's start this week off by praying for each other.

Let us know how we can pray for you or a loved one in the
comment section. If there is a prayer request above yours, would you please take a moment to type a prayer for that request or all of the requests & then type your request. (In that way, you'll be encouraging them as well as receiving encouragement.)

We know you'll want to check back to continue to pray for others adding their requests after yours.

If you have an update on a previous prayer request, please share that with us, as well.

Father, here we are, on another Monday, facing another week. We need you, Lord. We pray for each other. We pray for those who are hurting, that you will lift their spirits & comfort them. We pray for those that are sick, that they will feel your healing touch. We pray for those who are struggling, that they will lean on you. We pray for those who are lost, that they will seek you and be saved. "The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, "The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!" Lamentations 3:22-24 (NLT) In Jesus name, we pray all these things. Amen


  1. please pray for debbie & lee bolyard. today is the funeral for lee's dad. the family is really hurting.

  2. I will pray today for the Bolyards. I missed the praise day, so let me start with that:: I shout praise to God for the quick recovery of our family! He answers prayers!
    Please pray for my dad as he will be leaving his recovery program on Sunday. He needs encouragement, support and most of all prayer so that he can avoid the trap of addiction. Pray also for reconciliation between he and his wife. Thanks!

  3. Thank you Father for the hedge of protection that you give against illness. All mighty Great Phyisican you are good.
    I ask that the same hedge of protection be given to Jen's dad against the demon of addiction. You have brought him this far. Put a man after your heart in his path that will encourage & support him. You created marriage for us, so by that we know it is good. Heal this marriage, strength it, protect it, build it up to your standards. I claim this marriage in your name. By the blood of Jesus Christ all addiction in this man's life are bound from touching him. you are good, just, faithful. Thank you, glory & honor be Your Name.
    Request that I find a job that fits the kids school schedule.

  4. Father God, I'm praising you right now for the peace you give that passes all understanding. I ask that you bring a special blessing of comfort to Lee and the rest of his family. Father, they are grieving now and need the blessing of comfort that only you can provide. Send to the family people who can give them your words of compassion, hope and peace. I pray Lord Jesus that your infinite love will carry them through these days.
    My prayer request is for financial freedom for both my daughter and myself.
