Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Welcome to the ICU Blog

Welcome, NAFCON Women, to your very own Women's Ministries BLOG!

This blog was designed with you in mind. We hope to inform, involve & encourage you in your walk of faith. We also hope to give you "food for thought" with devotionals & a time to pray for each other with weekly prayer request days. We will also highlight upcoming ICU events & opportunities to serve.

Our prayer is that you will find a loving, warm & encouraging place here....a place to come when you are weary....a place to come for Biblical answers and encouragement, a place to shout your praises...even, a place to come for a good laugh.

You've probably picked up on the fact that encouragement is BIG on here. That's because of the key scripture verse we use for the ICU. "encourage one another and build each other up" 1 Thessalonians 5:11. That is our mission & our goal to encourage you & build you up. We pray that it will be your mission & goal, as well, for the days ahead, as you encourage others & build them up.

Maybe you're wondering "exactly what is the ICU?". ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit. Just as an Intensive Care Unit in a hospital provides life support for their patients, your Women's Ministries Team wants to provide life support for you. Obviously, we're not going to hook you up to an IV or intubate you, but, we will do our very best to support you in whatever way you need it & just as importantly, we want to equip you to do the same for others.

Together, with the Holy Spirit leading us every step of the way, we hope that the NAFCON women will bring glory to God by living lives that reflect Christ & point the way to Him.

Again, we welcome you & may God bless you as you encourage others!


  1. I love it! This blogspot is perfect and what a welcome addition for Nafcon women. May God always be glorified. Jan Espersen

  2. thanks, jan! we're looking forward to posting a devo from you.

    peace -


  3. This blog is great--and it looks nice. Thanks for sending it to Jerry's email. I have an email address too--same as Jerry's except it starts with a B instead of a J. Brenda Smith

  4. This site is so cheery. Love the colors and the ICU title, and how you want it to be an encouraging site. I've been reading Charles Swindoll's book, Encourage Me. I want to share with you some great passages from the book. A few passages say,encouragement that is genuine, warm-hearted and Christ inspired is more valuable than diamonds or pearls. And infinitely more valuable. It has the capacity to lift a man's or woman's shoulders. To spark the flicker of a smile on the face of a discouraged child. To breathe fresh fire into the fading embers of a smoldering dream. To actually change the course of another human being's day...or week...or life.

    It takes courage, tough minded courage, to trust God, to believe in ourselves, and to reach a hand to others. What a beautiful way to live. I know of no one more needed, more valuable, more Christ-like, than the person who is committed to encouragement.
    When David was"greatly distressed" (I Samuel 30:6 JV), nose to nose with death and heart deep in discouragement, Scripture tells us that he"encouraged himself in the Lord his God." David's refuge is available to us...right now. No waiting. No appointment necessary. And the Encourager is in!

    I pray that God will work through me to be an encourager to others.

    Suzanne Mayo

  5. Suzanne - we tried to email you but it bounced back. Thank you for your sweet comments.

    You are such an encourager & we thank God for you.

    Blessings -
