Friday, October 30, 2009

Thank God on Friday (Praise Day)

Yes, it's finally Friday. Let the praising begin. What are you thanking Him for today?

Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name;
make known among the nations what He has done.
Sing to Him, sing praise to Him:
tell of all his wonderful acts.
Glory in His holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
Psalm 105:1-3

See you at the breakfast tomorrow -


  1. Good morning!!! God is good, all the time! He knows us and knows what we need, and in His graciousness, He chooses to love us. In spite of our unlovliness.
    I know this isn't prayer request day, but two quick ones...
    1. My sister in law. Carrying twins, nearly due...but needs to go at least 3 more weeks. She is getting tired and it's painful! Pray for her and the and healthy babies!
    2. My friend who has 3 young daughters has a possible diagnosis of MS. She is the same age as me, and nervous. Pray for her, please, that the diagnosis is wrong, and if not, that she will have the ability to handle it.

  2. Lord, we praise you that you are sovereign & mighty & just. We praise you for your son, Jesus, who came to earth as a man, died on the cross for our sins, was resurrected from the grave, ascended into heaven and now sits at your right hand. We praise you for the Holy Spirit that lives in the hearts of all believers.

    and Lord, i praise you for your availability to us. No matter what, no matter when, you hear our prayers.

    we lift up jen's sister-in-law to you now & pray that you will keep those babies in her womb until the right time. we pray for strength & courage for mom. lift her spirits & give her great joy. we also pray for jen's friend, that the diagnosis is incorrect & as she's waiting, give her a peace and take away her feelings of anxiety. we also pray that she will put all of her confidence in you & look to you for strength.

    Thank you, Jesus, for hearing our prayers -


  3. Oh Father,

    Thank you for giving me the ability to see so I can fully appreciate all the beauty of the fall foliage.

    You are such an awesome God. Thank you for your faithfulness, forgiveness and unconditional love.

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to belong to a great church.

    Your child, Robin Rosier

  4. Dear Lord,
    Thank you so much that you care for us . . . so that we can care for others. As you encourage us, may we also reach out and encourage others. Help us to be sensitive to your still small voice.
    In Your Strong Name,
